Ask A Sister Anonymous Ask A Sister Anonymous

Depression: The battle of the Death Eaters within

What does it mean to suffer from depression? The closest way to describe that feeling is waking up in the morning after a full night of sleep, the sun is shining through the window, you go to get out of bed, and you just can't do it. It feels like someone is opening up your chest and putting a 100 pound weight on your insides.

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Sisterhood Ambreen Rizvi Sisterhood Ambreen Rizvi

The Brigade of Mercy

In my previous write-up, I mentioned that I decided to establish a nonprofit organization of my own called The Brigade of Mercy. Well, this idea did not come about easily. I had a full-time job at a big financial institution with a great role and title, but this no longer appealed to me.

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Ask A Sister Johanna Fong Ask A Sister Johanna Fong

Exercising in COVID: The World Wide Gym

By no means am I a fitness guru. This is me wearing one of my favorite T-Shirts which pretty much sums up my attitude towards exercising. Before Covid, I liked trying different workout classes at various gyms and studios: Taebo, Aerial Yoga, Zumba, Barre—if there was a groupon or class pass for it, I would give it a try.

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Sisterhood Ambreen Rizvi Sisterhood Ambreen Rizvi

My Journey

I was born in Karachi, Pakistan and moved to Paris, France when I was two years old. My father was posted at the headquarters of Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO), as the head of Narcotics for the Middle East and Asia, and as the first Asian representative at Interpol.

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Sisterhood Hurunnessa Fariad Sisterhood Hurunnessa Fariad

My Peace of Mind

While I was married, I had all the worldly things you could ever imagine. A huge 6K sq. ft home, a brand new Mercedes GL 450, international vacations at least twice a year, 4 daughters attending private Islamic school, etc. What was there to complain about? Who would complain?

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