Technology Ariana Zahedi Technology Ariana Zahedi

Photography 101: Flatlays

Look at you! You’ve made it through the fundamentals of photography by purchasing and setting up your camera - I am so proud! Now we’re going to dive into some set-ups: Flatlays!

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Technology Ariana Zahedi Technology Ariana Zahedi

Photography 101: Editing Softwares

Now that you’ve read more about photography equipment and its manual settings from my previous articles, I’ll be introducing one of the most exciting parts of photography: editing your images via professional softwares!

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Technology Ariana Zahedi Technology Ariana Zahedi

Photography 101: ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture

Now that you know about what camera body and lenses to start out with, we’re going to dive into the settings of a camera – more specifically: ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture settings. While it’s quite convenient to utilize the automatic setting where each attribute is arranged by the camera itself, photographers have leaned towards manual settings in order to achieve their vision based on their surrounding environment.

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Technology Ariana Zahedi Technology Ariana Zahedi

Photography 101: Equipment

Have you ever wanted to pursue photography for business or simply for fun? Welcome to Photography 101! My name is Ariana, and I am one of the many creatives behind Soul Sisterz! I am here to help guide you with opening up the creative side of your mind.

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