Meditation Irene B Meditation Irene B

Lessons Learned from the College Dorm Move-In: From Prep to Ugly Crying

You did it! You got them from 0 to 18 with kisses, giggles, eye rolls and some solid yelling, but you did it. And what’s your reward? Those loveable, freeloading bums are getting ready to leave you, taking umpteen thousands of dollars with them. Those next up have asked me a few times on what to expect, so thought I’d put my own lessons-learned to good use. Good luck, Godspeed and remember, we can do hard things.

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Meditation Irene B Meditation Irene B

A Million Reasons to Stay or to Go

What would you do if money was no object? We’ve all heard this one before from a bunch of different people, or even posed it ourselves. If you had 10 people in a room, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’d more than likely get some similar answers…

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Meditation Irene B Meditation Irene B

Moving Forward

So, we’re now a full month into the New Year, February 2021. Maybe you were like me, and you were a tad apprehensive to make any bodacious plans on January first, pausing instead to see if a swarm of walrus-sized locusts were going to descend upon the earth and carry us away to some far-off land.

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