Spirituality Irene B Spirituality Irene B

Get Past, Around, or Over Yourself

When I say Get Past, Around or Over Yourself, I’m not talking about the usual things like Learn How to be More Assertive or Steps to Snagging That Perfect Man, nope, not that bullshit. I’m talking about channeling the concept of moving out of our own way to get closer to what you want to do, or where we want to be.

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Spirituality Tonya Stewart Spirituality Tonya Stewart

Spirituality Defined

During my undergraduate studies at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, one of my anthropology professors posed a question. “Is there a difference between spirituality and religion?” Most of my classmates and I agreed that, indeed, there is a difference. However, we held wildly divergent definitions of what it means to be spiritual versus religious.

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