Inspire Saleema Vellani Inspire Saleema Vellani

Innovation Starts With “I” In The Reinvention Revolution

As we settle into a post-pandemic reality, the time is ripe for setting up a kinder future—a future centered around ourselves and radiating outward. COVID-19 triggered the beginning of a new era of work embedded with remote jobs, flexible hours and, surprisingly, a lot more empathy for our fellow employees and employers. As a result, an increasing number of people are quitting their 9-5 jobs to pursue their passions, reinvent themselves, and reposition their brands and businesses to align closer with their values.

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Inspire Suni Shrestha Inspire Suni Shrestha

Sprouted Brown Chickpea Raw Salad

The Sprouted Brown Chickpea Raw salad has become a summertime favorite of mine since I learned it from my mum a few years ago. It is not too common even in most Nepali households because it is more of a Newari dish—Newars are an ethnic group in Nepal and well known for their cuisine. This dish is colorful and refreshing and I would venture to say healthy! Other than getting the brown chickpeas and sprouting process, it is a super easy dish to make with very common ingredients.

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Inspire Solat Zaidi Inspire Solat Zaidi

Interview with Julie Jones: Chef, Baker, Writer & Food Stylist

Meet Julie Jones - Chef, Baker, Writer & Food Stylist. Julie's mother was diagnosed with an aggressive form of dementia and while caring for her Mum, Julie started baking with her as a mutual form of therapy. She shared images of their baking days on Instagram and poured out her feelings to her growing number of followers.

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Inspire Sajal Patel Inspire Sajal Patel

I’m A Cooool Rider: My Journey In Getting A Motorbike

Let’s see, I have always had a need for speed. As a passenger in the car, I loved when my dad would go fast, and I began to mimic driving a stick shift as he was driving. Loved rollercoasters and going on airplanes. After getting my license, I was one of those ‘responsible aggressive drivers’ which I get is somewhat of an oxymoron, but I stand by that. Ha. And today, I’m not aggressive but I definitely drive like a speedster - still defensively and have taught my kids accordingly. 

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Inspire Zaiba Hasan Inspire Zaiba Hasan

What is Eid?

On May 13th, we Muslims will be celebrating our holiday called Eid-al-Fitr. Eid al-Fitr, also called the "Festival of Breaking the Fast" or Lesser Eid, is a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.

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Inspire Christine Zmuda Inspire Christine Zmuda

Rock and Roll, Paris and Chasing Your Dream

Each year on my birthday, I make a list of things that that I want to accomplish. It’s usually a mix of things I have never tried before. I always share my list publicly to make it real. This puts a little healthy pressure on myself to complete or at least try to complete these goals. Here’s a few examples of things I set out to accomplish in years prior.

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Inspire Lisa Malone Inspire Lisa Malone

Declutter, Design, and Organize

For the last 20 years, I have worked in the technology industry selling software and services. I had the most amazing career, spending 14 of those 20 years at Microsoft. I made lifelong friendships, made thousands of great connections, and traveled to many magical U.S. cities, including Oahu, HI. However, after 20 years, I had an overwhelming feeling it was time for a change.

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