Parenting Zaiba Hasan Parenting Zaiba Hasan

Emerging on the Otherside

I was in a client session where I was telling her that self-care is not selfish and in fact, it is beneficial for the entire family. I even quoted the famous line “you need to put your own oxygen mask on first before putting it on others”, only to find that my voice sounded hollow even to my own ears. I had just left a doctor’s appointment where I was told that if I didn’t start taking care of my health soon, I would continue spiraling down a path where it would be more difficult to return from.

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Parenting Zaiba Hasan Parenting Zaiba Hasan

Summer Time Truth

You know what May brings birthday yes but also Memorial Day, the beginning of Summer and I am ready.  Ready for it ALL.  The twinkling of fireflies lights up the warm night sky.  The smell of BarBQ fills the air with its mouth-watering spiciness.  The kids smell like sweat and sunshine and our pace is just a little bit slower as we embrace the unscheduled lightness that the summertime months bring.  Am I painting enough of this idyllic picture?

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