Zaiba’s Book Recommendations


Little Women

The Scarlet Letter

Where the Crawdad Sings

Harry Potter

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Secrets of Divine Love

White Fragility


1. Little Women

As a child I transported myself into the world of the March sisters as they tackled similar issues that all teenage girls go through, transcending the continuum of time. Besides, who didn’t have a crush on Laurie?

2. The Scarlet Letter

In reading this book I experienced the first stirrings of my feminist side. A romance story wrapped up in the historical paper of Puritanical America. A guide on some level on how women continue to this day to wear the markings of the abuse that men have put onto her.

3. Where the Crawdads Sing

I actually listened to this book on Audible. Tip: those household chores bogging you down, the nightly commute killing a book and get lost in the words but I digress. A coming of age story about survival, resiliency, and internal strength.

4. Harry Potter

I didn’t get into the hype of this book series when it first came out despite the urgings of my younger sister at the time.  She actually gifted me the entire series when the final book came out.  For my college graduation, my MIL took me on a trip to India to visit my husband’s extended family and I devoured this entire series in the three weeks we were there.  It is now my children’s favorite book series in what I am calling a literary full circle of life.


5. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

This is likely the single most important book of my life. I am NOT joking. As a young mom who was heavily pregnant with her second child my eldest would NOT sleep unless he was held by me. I was exhausted, depressed, and at my wits end. I read this book in one sitting (remember my son had to sleep with me at nap times). In explaining the science behind healthy sleep habits I got the courage to help my son learn to sleep. After a few tough nights, he was a different child. Rest assured in practicing what I learned with my other children...NONE of them had to cry themselves to sleep.

6. Secrets of Divine Love

An eye-opening book about the love for a higher power (God) and “his” love for you. Written in poetic like prose you fall in love again with the powers that be.

7. White Fragility

A MUST read in today's political climate. In knowing the truth about privilege (and we all have it), we can understand someone else’s lack of privilege. A lesson in assumption and presumption that everyone needs to add to their library.


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