The Brigade of Mercy Box

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Have you heard of a blessing box? A blessing box is a small, often homemade box where people leave donated goods for others to pick up anonymously. Located in a prominent area, people can fill them with items that will help those in need with everything, from non-perishable food to toiletries. The box helps underserved populations so they may have access to free necessities that people might need but do not have the money to buy. The idea is to take what you need, give when you can. 

The box should be accessible safely and should be in a public place such as a school, a church, a park, a library, etc. Since it is located outside, the box should be weather-resistant, long lasting, and low maintenance.

COVID-19 has had a disastrous effect on our communities. Many people have lost jobs, shut down businesses, and are struggling economically to support themselves and their families. There’s great uncertainty as to when things will get back to normal and how impacted people will be able to recover. Per its mission, The Brigade of Mercy (BOM) helps the community in time of crisis. 


BOM has currently placed two Brigade of Mercy boxes at two different schools in two different counties. They are very different from each other in terms of needs and in terms of structures. The first box is located at Sterling Middle School in Loudoun County, Virginia. The box is small and well built. Per the school’s request it has the following items: detergent, hygiene kits (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap), socks, and feminine hygiene products. During winter, we add gloves and hats as well. The second box is located at Hoffman-Boston Elementary school in Arlington County, and serves mostly as a food pantry. It is built with heavy and sturdy materials and is completely sealed. We have stocked the box with the following supplies: jam, cereal bars, pasta, oil, canned vegetables, and canned tuna. 

How do the boxes operate? We work with a social worker or the PTA with both schools. They inform BOM of the demands and we provide the items. We usually provide bulk supplies to the schools who take on the responsibility of refilling the box. This helps us avoid many trips to provide refills. As mentioned, we provide items that are requested but the items can be seasonal as well during Thanksgiving and winter (soup and other seasonal items can be provided in the food pantry). The school takes charge in announcing that the Brigade of Mercy box is available for the families in need in their newsletter and community outreach. The school also encourages community drives so that the refills of the box become sustainable as the need arises. 

How much time and effort does it take to build a box? Our boxes are all handmade as they are crafted with diligence and love depending on the need. All doors are made with unbreakable glass. We use sturdy materials for weather resistance. It takes about 2-3 days to build the box. Additional hours can be spent on painting, sealing, and caulking. 

The Brigade of Mercy Box is an easy way to serve the community in need. BOM plans to extend the project to other schools. We have a new box coming up during Fall 2021 at Park View High School in Loudoun County. Stay tuned.


Emerging on the Otherside


Evergreen Mills Road