Self Love Tonya Stewart Self Love Tonya Stewart

Dear John for Valentines

Valentine's Day is around the corner, and sweethearts prepare to shower their partners with tokens of affection. They plan dates, buy chocolates and discover creative ways to express their love. During this time it's important to remember that our love, when genuine, emanates from us and is expressed without words.

For example, John. Wait. Before I get to John, let me give you a bit of context.

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Self Love Zaiba Hasan Self Love Zaiba Hasan

Helping Everyone Emerge.

Eight weeks after the birth of my son, my husband and I left Chicago and moved to Washington, D.C. Leaving behind all that was familiar, I suddenly found myself navigating new motherhood 1,000 miles away from where I had lived my entire life. It was like going from being a kid myself to being a mom, in one jump.

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Meditation Irene B Meditation Irene B

Lessons Learned from the College Dorm Move-In: From Prep to Ugly Crying

You did it! You got them from 0 to 18 with kisses, giggles, eye rolls and some solid yelling, but you did it. And what’s your reward? Those loveable, freeloading bums are getting ready to leave you, taking umpteen thousands of dollars with them. Those next up have asked me a few times on what to expect, so thought I’d put my own lessons-learned to good use. Good luck, Godspeed and remember, we can do hard things.

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Spirituality Irene B Spirituality Irene B

Get Past, Around, or Over Yourself

When I say Get Past, Around or Over Yourself, I’m not talking about the usual things like Learn How to be More Assertive or Steps to Snagging That Perfect Man, nope, not that bullshit. I’m talking about channeling the concept of moving out of our own way to get closer to what you want to do, or where we want to be.

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Self Love Solat Zaidi Self Love Solat Zaidi

11 Essential Gifts for the Handy Mom

May is the month that we collectively shower our mothers with adoration and gifts of appreciation. For those DIYers and Pinterest queens who, like me, enjoy a hefty power drill as much as a beautiful bouquet of flowers, these are eleven must-haves for her toolbox.

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Self Love SoulSisterz Self Love SoulSisterz

The Relaxation Response - How to release the tension?

I am sure you have been in situations, where you are mad, upset or irritated and you can feel your heart racing and your body tensing up. I know I have been! This is due to the responses by the nervous system that is made up of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

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Self Love Zaiba Hasan Self Love Zaiba Hasan

Paradox of Self-Care

We mom's embrace “busy-ness” as a badge of honor, shuttling our children to sporting events and birthday parties. Our lives are literally full, but when we lie down at night, our bodies ache and our souls feel depleted.

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Meditation Irene B Meditation Irene B

A Million Reasons to Stay or to Go

What would you do if money was no object? We’ve all heard this one before from a bunch of different people, or even posed it ourselves. If you had 10 people in a room, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’d more than likely get some similar answers…

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Meditation Irene B Meditation Irene B

Moving Forward

So, we’re now a full month into the New Year, February 2021. Maybe you were like me, and you were a tad apprehensive to make any bodacious plans on January first, pausing instead to see if a swarm of walrus-sized locusts were going to descend upon the earth and carry us away to some far-off land.

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Self Love Solat Zaidi Self Love Solat Zaidi

Calendar of Self-Care

February is the month for love, and where best to start than with YOU?  We need to learn to love ourselves, which means that we need time to take care of ourselves and show Self Care! Make a promise to yourself that over the next three months you will take time to experience new experiences. 

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Spirituality Tonya Stewart Spirituality Tonya Stewart

Spirituality Defined

During my undergraduate studies at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, one of my anthropology professors posed a question. “Is there a difference between spirituality and religion?” Most of my classmates and I agreed that, indeed, there is a difference. However, we held wildly divergent definitions of what it means to be spiritual versus religious.

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