Baked eggs and tomatoes pizza


Recipe Details

Servings: 1

Recipe Category: Breakfast, Lunch, Brunch

Difficulty Level: Easy

Cooking Times 15 minutes

This recipe was created after my daughter wanted to eat pizza for breakfast. It’s a healthy, low-carb version of a faux pizza! We love the tartiness of the tomatoes that are complemented by the fresh basil and spinach.

Eat for breakfast, brunch, or a light lunch served with a salad.


What you’ll need

2 eggs

6 basil leaves

2 spinach leaves

4 grape tomatoes

1 large slice of mozzarella cheese

Salt and Pepper to your taste

1/2 tsp onion powder

1 tbs avocado oil


Cut up spinach and basil leaves finely

Cut grape tomatoes in halves

Add the oil to a large ovenproof pan that is large enough to hold 2 eggs

Crack the two eggs carefully without breaking the yolks into the pan

Sprinkle the onion powder over the eggs

Place the tomatoes on the egg whites

Season with salt and pepper

Place the mozzarella cheese over the egg whites

Cover the eggs with the chopped spinach and basil

Set oven to ‘broil’ mode

Put the pan in the oven

Cook for 5- 7 minutes until egg yolks have set and egg whites are cooked (keep an eye on the pan, as oven settings can differ and you don’t want the eggs to burn!)

Take the pan out the oven carefully using oven mitts

Serve with a side of crusty bread or a side salad for lunch!


Chicken Tortilla Soup


Instapot Daal and Spinach