Recipe Details

Servings: 1

Recipe Category: Breakfast, Snack

Difficulty Level: Easy

Prep Time 10 minutes

Ambereen Husain is passionate about nutrition, wellness, and making sustainable changes to one's lifestyle that makes the most impact for long term health goals. With her own family history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity, she was determined to learn more about preventive approaches to rebooting her own health journey. Ambereen is a foodie, and though she may have no professional training, she can't wait to share some exciting recipes to energize you this Ramadan! As a mom of three, she is always experimenting in the kitchen and seeing what her kids like and ask for again!

Here is one of her favorite go to meals - Fancy Toast!

fancy toast 3.PNG

What you’ll need

  • Hummus (different flavors) 

  • Peanut Butter 

  • Cream Cheese 

  • Beets 

  • Tomatoes 

  • Bananas 

  • Chia/Hemp Seeds 

  • Balsamic Vinegar Glaze 

  • Maple Syrup 

  • Spinach/Arugula 

  • Cucumbers 

  • Sprouts


Simply spread your favorite base toast, and get creative with the toppings




Healthy Eats with Ambereen Husain


Khow Suey (‘COW-SWAY’)