V-Day Style for the Panache-Impaired



The grand consensus (at least in the Twitterverse) is that Michelle Obama was fire rocking her burgundy inaugural fit. However, the secret to her success is not the monochromatic perfection she donned, the talented stylists she employed nor the wispy curls cascading down her shoulders. In fact, the former first lady’s secret is not a secret at all.

Are you ready for tea time? Okay, here’s the situation…

In short, Miche from Chicago was permanently inducted into the queendom of slay on a chilly Wednesday morning for one reason alone. She was FEELING! HER! SELF!

That is the big secret to flawless fashion. Regardless of which threads you wear, brands you endorse or colors you choose, you must be comfortable in your own skin. Your tenacity will shine through and inspire others to reach for your Wonder Woman poise and grace.

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Dress to Impress...Yourself

Although fashion mags, IG models, and couture designers try to convince you otherwise, true beauty and personal style are not things you can purchase. No matter how much money you spend on trendy handbags from runway shows, your personality doesn't have a price tag.

Why disguise your inner beauty under a cloak of “exclusive” name brands? Why emulate some fashionista’s look for the season? Instead of blindly following in someone else’s trendy stilettos, seek to make your outside match your inner chic.

If you like color, be bold with hues. If you enjoy redefining gender norms, take a cue from Ashley Biden’s post-inaugural show-stopping tuxedo and flex your androgynous elegance. The goal is to love your individual fabulousness.

The Three C’s of Style

Walking the streets of NYC, Seoul, Paris and Milan you’ll see women from varying backgrounds strutting their stuff and grabbing attention. Though their appearances may differ, all of them have mastered the three most important components of style-- comfort, creative expression and confidence.

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  1. Comfort. The first C is the baseline of all good fashion. It is the difference between sauntering through a room with flair and hobbling from corner to corner pigeon-toed because your uncomfortably stylish shoes are cutting off circulation to your pinky toes. Before you check a mirror, ask yourself if your outfit will allow you to navigate your chosen venue without adjusting your threads all day. If the answer is no, change your clothes and/or shoes.

  2. Creative Expression. Having passed the comfort test, you can consult a mirror. Creative expression isn’t copy-and-pasting outfits but developing an interpretation of beauty to suit your personality. 

    If you are an introvert, preferring to quietly exist in crowds without drawing much attention, you may want to avoid audacious colors. On the other hand, if you’re going for the all-eyes-on-me vibe, adventurous patterns and pigments may appease your inner diva. What you wear tells the world who you are, and you do not want to send mixed messages.

  3. Confidence. It’s easier to tackle the last component of style once the first two are mastered. However, confidence can be a tricky beast to tame, especially if you were raised to doubt your value. Though being self-assured can be difficult, it is earned through constant, positive affirmations. Before heading out the door, smile at your reflection and say “I look good. I look good. I look really freaking good!” 

Repeat confidence-boosting statements until you feel as fabulous as you look. Stand with your hands on your hips. Blow kisses and wink at yourself. Laugh. Be giddy. Focus on any particular detail you love and let that adoration float you out on rays of sunshine. If it feels unnatural, fake it until you make it. The more you practice loving your reflection, the easier and more genuine the emotion becomes.

Love Yourself


Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and the internet is abuzz with a million ways to snag a partner. Rarely do articles reveal that the person from which you ultimately seek love and acceptance is yourself. Having a partner to snuggle is nice if that is your goal. However, there isn’t a man, woman, home, career or bank balance that can supplant the self-love you crave. 

Shut down the voice in your head whenever it criticizes you. Replace it with personalized mantras which make you feel loved, supported and empowered. My mantra is some version of “I stand on the shoulders of giants and gods. My every step and spoken word makes them proud”. As long as it conveys meaning to you, any mantra will do.

Each tiny move you take toward loving yourself is a step in the right direction. You don’t have to be a former first lady to be fierce. You don’t even have to be fierce. Simply express your uniqueness in whichever way feels true to you. 

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Interview with Fashion Stylist Batul Sadiq 👠🥻👜


Spices: The Treasured Flavoring Jewels