Khadija Dawn Carryl: The Woman Behind Henna Sooq 💅

Listen to Khadija from Henna Sooq talk to Solat from MBSS where they discuss Henna, grays (sparkles as I call them), and how she built her business!

Khadija is a leading expert henna hair care expert and professional henna artist, that has put her at the forefront of the natural hair industry as a trusted and valued member in the community worldwide. She has shared my expertise and knowledge at several major events, hair shows, and conferences.

Khadija provides a quality product and she personally supports clients in their journey to healthier hair. Khadija empowers both women and men to make healthy life choices by giving people the tools through the health and wellness of henna and natural ingredients.

Her natural ingredients enable clients to create a DIY (do it yourself) hair regimen where they can focus on strengthening, shine, definition, and longer hair strands as well as coloring their hair and greys. Khadija offers one on one consultations, classes and runs certification programs to support clients and stylists through their journey to healthier hair. 

Check out her website and social media here:


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