Mind Body Soul Sisterz

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Sprouted Brown Chickpea Raw Salad

Recipe Details

Servings: 4

Recipe Category: Healthy & Tasty

Difficulty Level: Easy

Suni Shrestha is from Nepal, now living in the US with a few years in Peru along the way. She is a food lover - both cooking and eating. She’s especially happy when the food is a festival of flavors and colors! Her other passions are animal rescue and traveling (of course focused on eating and learning new recipes).

The Sprouted Brown Chickpea Raw salad has become a summertime favorite of mine since I learned it from my mum a few years ago. It is not too common even in most Nepali households because it is more of a Newari dish—Newars are an ethnic group in Nepal and well known for their cuisine. This dish is colorful and refreshing and I would venture to say healthy! Other than getting the brown chickpeas and sprouting process, it is a super easy dish to make with very common ingredients.

This is a two-step process, with the sprouting taking 3-4 days.

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What You’ll Need

  • ¾ cup of brown chickpeas (you can get it online and South Asian Grocery Stores)

  • Medium bowl

  • Colander

  • Plate

  • Clean kitchen towel


  1. Rinse and soak the brown chickpeas in the bowl overnight

  2. Next day rinse again and use the colander to strain the water

  3. Put the colander with the brown chickpeas on the plate, cover it with the kitchen towel and let it sit in a well-ventilated area. 

  4. Check on the brown chickpeas daily and rinse as needed to keep it moist but not soggy!

  5. By the 2nd day, the brown chickpeas should start sprouting and should be well sprouted by the 4th day

Salad assembly

What You’ll Need

  • Sprouted brown chickpeas

  • ½ cup of roughly diced carrots 

  • ¼ cup of finely diced red onion

  • ¼ teaspoon of red chili powder or if preferred 1 teaspoon of finely diced hot pepper (jalapeño, serrano, cayenne etc.) 

  • Salt to taste (start with ½ teaspoon)

  • 1 tablespoon of lemon

  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

  • For garnish, 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro


  1. Rinse the sprouted brown chickpeas and strain all the water.

  2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and taste for level of salt and adjust as needed.

  3. Garnish with chopped fresh cilantro.

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